The Sartorial Society: Community Lot Retail Clothing Store
The arcane secrets gathered there
Will presage what the world will wear.
Now franchised fashion falls to we,
The Sartorial Society.
The Sartorial Society is a community-lot clothing store, intended to be
run as an owned lot. Siting at the cornere of a 2x2 lot, the Satorial society
will provide stylish new threads for your Sims.
In my own neighborhood, the Satorial Society runs as a Formal Clothing
Store, with the singular intention of putting Townies into Custom Formal
Wear, or into formal wear that came with Expansions or Stuff Packs
installed after the the townies were created. I also reccommend
marking one or more of the statues for sale, and selling those to
make ends meet.
If you wish to do something similar, I would reccommend J.M
Customer Selector hack. This hack allows fine-tuning of a
store's patrons on an owned lot. TO this end, in my neighborhood
the Customer Selector is set to force Sims to arrive on the lot in
Formal Wear, so that I can tell who has default formals and who has custom.
If the intention is to have the lot as an unowned clothing store,
remove the Employee Break room, and swap the Employeee Access Doors on the
bathroom for sex-linked doors.
Official Employee Uniform is the Secret Society Blazer.
Because I am crazy, the Sartorial Society
Requires all expansions through Seasons,
as well as the Glamour Life Stuff pack.
Night View |
Main Floor |
Breakroom |
Lobby Rear |
Lobby Front |
Clothes Rack |
Official Uniform |
Download The Sartorial Society
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