Java Programs
29 "Boolprops"
29 "Boolprop" Cheats:
This is version 3.0. Here are
twenty-nine cheats that start with boolProp, alphabetized and reordered into
four sections, with screenshots added.
All of the following cheats are listed in their "active" mode. They can be
switched off by replacing "false" with "true", or vice-versa.
1. Neighborhood Cheats
These cheats affect the appearance of the neighborhood view.
- 1.1. boolprop carsCompact true
- Increases detail on cars in neighborhood screen, at the expense of making all
taxis and cars the same type.
- 1.2. boolprop displayLotImposters false
- Hides all the houses on the neighborhood screen.
- 1.3. boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora false
- Hides all the trees on the neighborhood screen.
- 1.4. boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps false
- Hides all the props on the neighborhood screen. (rocks, watertowers, etc.)
- 1.5. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads false
- Hides all the roads on the neighborhood screen.
- 1.6. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel false
- Hides all the bridges on the neighborhood screen.
- 1.7. boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater false
- Hides all the water on the neighborhood screen.
- 1.8. boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode true
- Turns on the "info" button for occupied lots on neighborhood screen.
- 1.9. boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename true
- On neighborhood screen, will show the name and location of the file
corresponding to each lot.
(Filename obscured for my privacy)
2. Cosmetic Lot Cheats
These cheats modify the appearance of your lot, but don't really affect gameplay.
- 2.1. boolprop allObjectLightsOn true
- Objects that give off light will give it off at all times, instead of only when being used.
- 2.2. boolprop displayLookAtBoxes true
- Draws small boxes identifying sims (yellow) and direction of gaze (red).
- 2.3. boolProp displayPaths true
- Draws a path from origin to destination for moving sims
- 2.4. boolprop lotTerrainLighting false
- Illuminates the entire lot terrain.
- 2.5. boolProp guob false
- If shadows are active, will remove shadows from objects (but not sims) inside a house.
- 2.6. boolprop lotWater false
- Hides water (ponds) when in lots.
- 2.7 boolprop lotTerrainPaints false
- Hides ground cover in lots.
2.8 boolprop objectShadows false
- If you have set shadows active, will remove shadows from objects (but not Sims) that are outside a house.
- 2.9. boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel true
- Walls will not cut away from the selected Sim in Walls Cutaway mode.
- 2.10. boolprop showFloorGrid false
- Hides floor grid in buy or build mode.
- 2.11. boolProp simShadows false
- If shadows are active, hides the shadows of Sims.
- 2.12 boolProp useEffects false
- Turns off all effects. Relationship zots, speech balloons, memories... and the sky.
Causes some very, very strange effects. If you shut it off, you must leave the lot and
return for the changes to take effect.
- 2.13 boolProp useShaders true
- If your graphics card supports it, makes the pool water clearer, and more vibrant.
Also instrumental in engaging bump-mapping. and forcing the appearance of fish
in aquariums and ponds.
3. Building Cheats
These cheats switch on and off various constraints in the game with regards to
build and buy mode.
- 3.1. boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true
- Requires The Sims 2: University Expansion Pack. Allows the rotation of objects
at 45-degree increments instead of 90 degree increments. Must use period and
comma to rotate the object, instead of the mouse.
- 3.2. boolprop constrainFloorElevation false
- Allows the raising and lowering of terrain regardless of what lies upon or
around it, and has various other uses. Is used in many advanced building
tutorials, such as to make split-level homes, and the like.
- 3.3. boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false
- Requires The Sims 2: University Expansion pack. Allows the use of the
normally-disabled buy mode options when playing a Dorm, visiting a Community
Lot, or during a fire or buglary.
- 3.4. boolprop locktiles false
- Allows the placing of floor tiles anywhere on the lot. Essentially a
move_objects on for floor tiles only.
- 3.5. boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false
- Allows you to slide objects any distance, to center things in a room, for
4. Miscellaneous Cheats.
- 4.1. boolProp enablePostProcessing true
- Enables postproccessing. Is neccessary for many of the special effects cheat
codes for moviemaking.
- 4.2. boolprop CameraSpecialEventEnabled true
- Forces the game to turn on the special events camera, even if the option is
grayed out. If your computer is on the borderline of being able to show the
Special events camera movies, but the game thinks it is not, it may allow you
to see the special events camera movies. Create a new family and move them
into a lot in an empty neighborhood to check.
And yes, the same
cheat is missing off this one that was missing from the first one. Still not going to add it.